A review by bbetscher
Ace and Aro Journeys: A Guide to Embracing Your Asexual or Aromantic Identity by The Ace and Aro Advocacy Project


I enjoyed it, but it was quite dry. I think it is a great introductory book for people who have absolutely no clue of their sexual or gender identity, and someone who has never come out as a sexuality or gender other than hetero and cis. I think for me the book was kind of repetitive, and I feel like my confidence as a queer person made it more challenging to read because I have already gone through my own “identify development model” so the discussion felt a bit unnecessary for where I am in life. I would have liked to have more descriptions of terms and whatnot, separate from the glossary. I think that would have been helpful because I’m actually finding myself a bit more confused about what certain things mean and where I fall on the ace spectrum, if I do at all, or if I can say that I do.

Again, I think it’s a good introductory book, but I think I want something more exploratory that will actually help me do the work to really discover my presence on the ace spectrum.