A review by slightlyliterary
Discipline and Punish: The Birth of the Prison by Michel Foucault

Did not finish book. Stopped at 9%.
First attempt: 27 Nov '21 - 3 Dec '21
A really interesting read opening up with a shocking scene of how punishment was enacted in the 1600s? And the first chapter epxlores how punishment of crime has shifted from punishment through the body (physical punishment through gruesome, long, painful, and public deaths) to punishment through the soul (diminishment of rights). It also explores how our evaluation of crime has changed over centuries, with there being more focus on the why and the condition of the one who committed a crime + talks of there being a spread of responsibility over the punishment of a person between the jury, judges, police, psychologists etc. 

But I've decided not to continue since I'm preoccupied with other books right now, and I thought it'd be better to read this when I can give it my full attention. 

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