A review by booksconnectus
Girl in Translation by Jean Kwok


This is one of the best books I've read in a long time.....made me so thankful for what I have...made me want my kids to read it....I think it should be required reading for every teen in high school. I will give it to my daughter to read and I'd like to see our teen book club read it. Our children take their education and thier entire lives for granted-and so do us adults. This book will make you re-think it all...it touches on so many things relevant to all our lives-immigration, poverty, education, family loyalty...a huge reminder to treat others with kindness even if they are different from us and a lesson for us-whether you be an adult, child, teacher, librarian or store clerk- to keep in mind that we have no idea what others are going through and that just by offering a little kindness instead of indifference-or down-right rudeness or meanness-you could change a life, or at the very least add a ray of sunshine. Perhaps reading this book will open a heart or two. Maybe a few will look at others that they meet who are different than they are with new eyes-see them as people just like themselves and maybe even open a path to friendship and understanding. It's a hopeful book.