A review by nikshelby
Haunted by Kelley Armstrong


Eve: "My gaze slid back to the praying inmate. I'd never been what you call a religious person. I've even been known to be somewhat disparaging of faith, and those who throw themselves into it. Too many people spend their lives focused on insuring a good place in their next one, instead of embracing the one they have. that smacks of laziness. If your life sucks, you fix it, you don't fall on your knees and pray for someone to make it better next time."

Trsiel: "Ghost hunters can be the most ingenious breed when it comes to inventing ghastly tales, but ask them to think up a name for the ghost of a woman dressed in white, and they give you "the White Lady."

Eve: "Why?"
Trsiel: "You're right. Huh. That's strange."
Eve: "That's not the answer I'm looking for."
Trsiel: "Well, uh..." He looked around. "This kind of thing happens sometimes. It's an interdimensional warp in the fabric of time and space."
Eve: "You have no idea, do you?"
Trsiel: "No, but that sounded good when they said it on Star Trek."