A review by dyslexicreader
My Side of the Diamond by Sally Gardner


I received My Side of the Diamond in my last months Book Box club subscription box, this was an extra book to celebrate their 1st Anniversary. 

My Side of the Diamond is about a girl called Jazmin, who has been shunned since her best friend Becky disappeared. She jumped off a tall building, and never reaching the ground. Did Jazmin have anything to do with Becky disappearance, or did it have to do with the mysteries, forever youthful and beguiling Icarus. A man who Becky becomes besotted just before her disappearance. 

This book is written as the character telling their side of the story to "Mr Jones", the main person that is telling their story to "Mr Jones" is Jazmin. This may not be everyone cup of tea having the book in this format, but I enjoyed it. It's interesting to read a story when the character have perspective over their actions. 

The book went into a direction that I would never of guessed, which kept me gripped in the story. This book is the perfect one sit wonder, I read it in a couple of hours. 

I give this book 3.8 out of 5