A review by mackle13
The Shadow of Death by Christopher Pike


I definitely thought this book was better than the last one, but I still found myself not loving it.

This one doesn't drag nearly as bad as book #3 - and I think that's because book 3 is really a lot of set-up for the stuff that goes down in this book.

That said, I found the climax kind of anti-climactic, and I'm not sure how I feel about the ambiguous, open ending. On one hand I thought it was kinda cool, but on the other hand I felt it was sort of a gimmicky way to leave the series open for possible future installments (without having to do a weird ret-con kind of thing again).

The biggest problem is that I still didn't feel entirely invested in these characters, so it's all a little meh at times.

That said, there was some tension and some believable twists this time around (as opposed to some of the more out-there things we've been subjected to throughout this series), so it had some good bits, too.

The multiple spiritual realities thing was kinda interesting, too, and one thing I've liked through all of the series (excepting when it gets a little bit beyond the realm of believability once or twice) is the spiritual aspect of the story - and I'm glad that that was a big part of this 'final' book.

If more books come out I'll probably end up reading them - but I certainly didn't love the series as much as I did the first time I read it however many years ago.