A review by fletcher
The Library at Mount Char by Scott Hawkins


This is an odd one for me. I thought it was almost entirely amazing. I liked almost all of the characters, thought the plot and the library were interesting, the writing was snappy and funny in places, and I even grew to like the way the last third or so was so different from the first part of the book.

Unfortunately, there were just a lot of things about Carolyn that rubbed me the wrong way. The least of those is that she was pretty much a manic pixie dream girl but to literally godlike proportions. That wouldn't bother me so much, but I was really grated by the way the author treated her
and especially the fact that
her father's entire conceit revolved around purposely creating a person who would do something that to Carolyn--and then he apologized to HIM and not HER after it was all over.
That crossed a line for me personally. Thus... I feel pretty conflicted about the whole thing :') 

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