A review by mmseitz822
The Precious One by Marisa de los Santos


I was so glad this book didn't turn into one of those predictable stories - a daughter and her estranged father find a way back to each other after all of the years apart and become close again after he has a near-death experience blah blah blah. If that had been the case, I would have been really disappointed. As it was, the relationship between Taisy and Wilson isn't even the focal point of the book. Yes, it plays an important part but it is not the main story. It is kind of just the catalyst that causes the rest of the action in the story to take place.

I really liked Taisy and Willow even though there were times they both did things that annoyed me. For instance, I hated Taisy's blind affection for Wilson after what a piece of crap dad he was and especially after ruining her relationship with Ben. I hate how she constantly defends him even when he is being a complete jackass. I hated when Willow acted like a little snot toward Taisy even though Taisy was nothing but nice to her. I also hated how she, too, idolized Wilson. I liked the relationship that formed between Taisy and Willow, as well as between Caro and Taisy.

Am I the only who wonders what Caro possibly ever saw in Wilson though? I get that he had a hard childhood and his dad was a jerk but don't you think that would have inspired him to be better than his father and to treat his children well? I wish the book would have gone into their back story a little bit because it seems like a really unlikely match.