A review by madags
Exodus by Paul Antony Jones


As in the first book, Jones grasps the primary problem of any self-respecting apocalypse story which is, every-day ordinary survival for the modern human in a world bereft of people, fresh water and electricity.

A thing I like about Jones' storytelling is that he doesn't flinch from the death of primary characters. Of course, you wouldn't expect an apocalypse writer to do so but I find that often when you read these tales you can pick out before hand who is destined for the choppy-chop. Not so in this one and that's the kind of stuff that keeps me reading.

He also managed to fool me in a big way with a character paradigm shift which in hindsight maybe I should have seen coming, but I truthfully didn't. This made it all the more chilling and maddening.

You can read my full review here:
BOOKS – Extinction Point: Exodus by Paul Antony Jones