A review by trudilibrarian
Gone by Lisa McMann


I love this series, and Gone makes for an immensely satisfying end to Janie's story -- so much so that I hope McMann makes her way back to Janie and Cabel at some point. I would love to run into this couple again in their 30s or 40s.

Gone explores a lot of emotional terrain in relatively few pages, and this in itself is a testament to McMann's talents. There's no filler here, every word counts. This time we get much more insight into Janie's complicated, dysfunctional relationship with her alcoholic mother.

I fell in love with Cabel in Wake, and it's continued to be a sheer joy reading about his and Janie's blossoming relationship, the deepening of their bond and Janie's struggle with possibly having to abandon him. Their new love is sweet and genuine, and as I said after reading Wake, Cabel is the boyfriend we all wish we had in high school.

The big pay-off in Gone is when Janie is dragged into the mystery of who her father might be. The ramifications of this discovery, and what it means for her "condition", are far-reaching and could lead to utter heartbreak. I just love how McMann handles this twist in the story. It doesn't feel forced or gimmicky.

I highly recommend this series, both for its originality and quiet intensity.