A review by sandreea
I Will Not Beg by Cherise Sinclair


3 stars

I have no idea how to start this, so I'm just going with the list.
What I liked?
-The book gives a bit of plot and a whole lot of feels (my dudes, I cried about 30% of the book and I'm just ugh...)
-How patient Ethan was.
-How Piper got back on her feet and overcomed her past.
-Piper fighting back. Goddamn, those punches were magnificent. Nothing pleases me more than seeing someone fight back.
What I didn't like?
-Ethan was almost too perfect.
-Don't get me wrong, I like a good cry while reading a good book, but at some point a bitch needs her rest.
-Why are you naming a book "I Will Not Beg" and have your character beg? I understand the context is different, but still. (Lol I basically got clickbaited into reading the book)
-We spent some time dealing with Dixon and Stan's drama when we could've focused on our main leads.
-What the heck happened to Jerry? What, no beating for him?
-I absolutely do not believe that a few months with a nice Dom is enough to undo the abuse Piper was subjected to for 2 years.
Peace out.✌