A review by samahcanread__
TEOTFW by Charles Forsman



After watching the Netflix show like a year ago, I never knew it was based on a comic book, and boy it did not disappoint!

This is the story about James, a 16 years-old sociopath who pretend to love Alyssa in order to kill her. As he's getting more crazy and sociopathic, he ran away with Alyssa, who wants to see her father that left her when she was 6. They're both cofused about becoming adults and navigating the world, and as they go down the road together, they become more attached, more understanding the world.



Alyssa is becoming a woman, understanding how relationships and love and sex work. She's the daughter of a mismatched couple, where the father was thrown away from the house because he wasn't reliable. Since then, she had th idea he's the coolest and he'll the one to understand her. Her relationship with James is really weird; first she said he's a shitty skater, than wants him to kiss her back or have sex with her. Maybe she was projecting what she learned from her mom's relationship with her boyfriend.



Well James is...James! We are first introduced as a cold person who doesn't understand feelings or morals, but at the end, we see the impact of Alyssa on him.


There's news about a second season, which is nice! If you haven't read the comic/watched the show, WHAT ARE YOU WAITING FOR????