A review by bookly68
Dark Consort by Amber R. Duell


The Nightmare Realm is full of the most imaginative creatures! This second book in the series is probably more intense than the first. Nora, Lady Nightmare, has got to get her tower back from one of the most dangerous of the Nightmare creatures. Can she master the magic and win the respect of the creatures of the Night World?

Some series suffer from second book syndrome (as they call it), but NOT THIS ONE!!!!! The world building is phenomenal!!! I was sucked in and felt as though I was seeing and experiencing everything Nora was!! And Sandman is the most wonderful character, he truly is a dream come true!! Then there are Kail and Halven!!! All the characters are written sooo well!!!!!

You. Are. Sooo. Going. To. Love. This. Book!!!!!!!! I thought the first one was AWESOME, but THIS ONE FREAKIN KNOCKS IT OUTTA THE PARK!!!!!