A review by beastreader
The Nanny Returns by Emma McLaughlin, Nicola Kraus


Everyone’s favorite nanny is back. Nanny Nan and her husband, Ryan have returned to the Big Apple. They have a lot of work ahead of them with many renovations and many improvements to their home. Nan is hoping to get a job soon. Opportunity appears at her door in the form of her former charge…Grayer.

He is all grown up now. Grayer. Grayer dislikes Nan for leaving him and his brother. He believes she is just like all the rest of the prior nannies. But can Grayer forgive Nan when he learns the truth. Nan and Grayer will soon realize that they need each other.

For anyone who has not read The Nanny Diaries, I suggest you start with that book first before reading Nanny Returns or you will be a bit lost in the beginning. Plus, it will help you become more connected with the characters. As this is what happened to me. I did not read the first book and just jumped into this one. At first, I wasn’t sure about Nan. She seemed like a nice person but one that people take advantage of. I was wrong. The further I got into this book. I realized that Nan not only is strong and smart but that she is the back bone for why Grayer did turn out to be a good kid. Mrs. X seemed too much into herself for my taste. Fans of The Nanny Diaries I am pretty sure will be pleased with this latest book.