A review by crookedtreehouse
Ultimate Fantastic Four, Volume 8: Devils by Mark Brooks, Mike Carey, Frazier Irving, Wade Von Grawbadger


If you are one of the many fans of Marvel Comics who wondered, what if The Fantastic Four had a Hellboy-like storyarc, except it was completely boring, This Is The Book For You. It's got a silver age villain, unnecessary time travel, the weird 70s/80s trope of forcing characters to fight one on one with villains to prove how powerful they are, and the introductions of several characters just so they can be used to emotionally manipulate the characters you already know and love without including any real emotional stakes.

The art is completely wasted on the awful annual issue, and the thoroughly boring and overly narrated Return Of Moleman that nobody demanded. I suppose it could have set up an interesting Future Foundation team, but like much of Carey's work on UFF, it just sort of touched on interesting concepts and then bogged it down with the worst writing of his career.