A review by jackiehorne
Sated by Rebekah Weatherspoon


Trainer Keira is having trouble finding a boyfriend who will admire her for her strength and her geeky love of science fiction television, rather than just want to have sex with her because of her beautiful looks. Friend and business partner Armando (see book #2 in the trilogy) asks a friend in the BDSM scene if he'll take Keira to Galaxi-con, because said friend, Daniel Song, is related to one of the television show's stars. He doesn't expect the two to make a love connection, knowing that Keira is as vanilla as they come. Yet Daniel and Keira make a connection despite their apparent differences, and Daniel, a switch, invites Keira to understand, and then participate in, his world. Before long, Keira and Daniel are a couple.

But Daniel keeps Keira far away from the larger community in which most of his sexual experiences once took part. Afraid of Keira's reaction to said community, and his large role within it, Daniel doesn't tell her anything about it until his friends mention a party being held there, assuming both Daniel and Keira will be attending. Needless to say, Keira's more than a little taken aback by her first visit, both because of Daniel's refusal to tell her about his aspect of his life as well as because of the obvious resentment club members feel toward her for taking Daniel away from them.

In what might have taken several chapters in a novel, but which takes place in a few lines of narrative here, Keira does some more research into the BDSM community, especially what it is like to be a black woman within such a community. Keira decides she can buy into this life, and makes up with Daniel.

Again, love Weatherspoon's characters, but really feel as if her stories in this trilogy are just underdeveloped novels.