A review by nigelbrown
What Milo Saw by Virgina MacGregor


I haven’t read too many young adult books, even when a young adult, so may not be in the best position to review this rather pleasant but twee tale.
It’s an easy and enjoyable book with well written characters and a topical premise. There were, for me, though, two details that didn’t quite sit right. Firstly, with everything just fitting perfectly in this too organised and too structured world, it seems at odds with the picture of a broken home for which a visually impaired young boy, who is struggling at school is being painted .
Secondly, the contradictory image of the protagonist, at times, sounding and acting like a child ( Yep, he’s nine) then being asked to believe that his precocious talent leads to him making incredibly mature decisions.
Maybe these are acceptable oversights in a book aimed at youngsters, but they made me feel it was lacking a little veracity.