A review by gen_wolfhailstorm
Cautionary Fables and Fairy-tales by Kel McDonald


Actual rating: 3.5/5 stars

There's some back story to this... Crappy excuse incoming!
So, I have the 3rd edition on my pc to read via Netgalley, only I didn't know know it was a 3rd in a series and I don't have excess money to buy the previous books or time to get to the library to see if they have it before it expires (which they probably won't have anyway as local libraries are quite outdated, rarely have newer releases and certainly super rare when it comes to their manga, graphic novel or comic section, plus I like to think that if I like it enough I will support and purchase my own copies anyway as well as spread the word (but yes, excuses, excuses)) so I restorted to finding it online, but please don't do what I do and please support creators in monitary ways. I'll keep putting this message in the ones I've read online, so people don't follow my terrible example, now that that's all said and done, here is the review:

This was cute. The illustrations were simplistic but nice to look at. They were different for each story as each one is written by somebody else, so some styles were preferred over others, although it would have been nice to have some colour spreads
I'd probably suggest this to pre teens (maybe 11 year olds or a bit older as there are very mild scenes of nudity in the Rapunzel story) to make them chuckle with some very soft cuss words and also give them a different outlook to the fables they probably would already know, however this is up to you because it probably is aimed at adults but the humour is too subtle to be laugh out loud hilarious for an adult, I think.
I personally hadn't heard of quite a few of these: Singing Bone was one that was new to me, nor did I actually know the story of Puss in Boots properly (I liked this one and the art was good too), Tatter hood (I loved this one, so funny and quirky), the Nixie of the Mill Pond (which is by the Brother's Grimm originally, who I like and another of the collections' best tales), and Bisclavret was also new to me, but I feel like I'm familiar with the basis of this story.
Rapunzel's ending confused me. Loved the art of the Piped Piper. Adored how it was told through just art, with no speech.

Overall, I'm excited to read the other book in this series, especially the country specific ones and I'm gonna look into some of the contributors' other work!

Pick it up, give it a go and enjoy! >(^_^)<