A review by timburbage
Fever Crumb by Philip Reeve


So we are back in the world of Mortal Engines, though not as we know it...

Fever Crumb is a great main character. She starts off very clear in her own mind about what is rational, and what are unrational unnecessary emotions. Throughout the story she finds out about herself, her past and her future. I like her as a main character, and I want to see more of her.

One of the main characters she meets is Kit Solent. His story takes some very interesting twists and turns, and I really hope we find out more that happened to him. Not because anything is unfinished, I just really like what he becomes.

Charley Shallow doesn't interact with Fever too much, and we use him to find out what is happening in London. These parts were okay, and we get to see London before it's move to municipal Darwinism.

The only thing that stopped this being 5 stars for me is the Scriven. They felt really out of place in this world, and I can't put my finger on why. They just didn't feel part of Mortal Engines, and were more like some other YA dystopian idea thrown into this. Maybe I'm just missing the point.