A review by ghostyard
Brief Chronicle of Another Stupid Heartbreak by Adi Alsaid


i don’t know if it’s the fact that i so adamantly loved the last book i read and want to read it again RIGHT NOW, or that this book is actually not great at all, but i did. not. enjoy. brief chronicle of another STUPID heartbreak, that’s for certain. Lu charles might have been like able if she didn’t spend the whole entire novel procrastinating and blaming other people for it. Lu has just been through a breakup. She didn’t see it coming, so now she blames her ex, Leo, for giving her writers block. She hasn’t written anything for three weeks (and doesn’t for the remainder of the summer until it’s too late), and now her boss at her writing gig is telling her she has to turn in something or be replaced. which means she would lose her college scholarship. So, instead of writing about her own problems, which her best friend, Pete, repeatedly tells her to do, she eavesdrops on a couple in a similar situation as hers and promptly becomes unhealthily obsessed with them. She believes that they hold the answer to her what went wrong in her relationship and a cure to her writers block. She tells her boss that she found something to write about, the couple, and then proceeds to spend the whole entire summer obsessing over and hanging out with them, ditching her best friend who is going to college five hours away (which, really, isn’t that far... grow up), and NOT WRITING HER ARTICLE. This girl pissed me off at every page. Her boss continues to give her chances to write the damn thing and when she can’t, she blames her ex for contacting her and her best friend for telling her the truth about how shitty she’s been the entire summer. I cannot stand this girl. At every page, she’s either talking about how great Cal and Iris’ love is, complaining about how her life is gonna end if she doesn’t write this article and loses her job and therefore her scholarship. Then she has the nerve to ‘fall in love’ with Cal and not realize it, despite Pete having told her multiple times that she had a crush on him. The only good thing to come out of this book was when Lu and Cal help a gay businessman on wall street ask out the bartender he has a crush on. and i stress only. Lu is constantly lying, to Iris and Cal, to Pete, to her mother, to Herself. it’s so exhausting. I don’t know, I am just thoroughly unimpressed and a little pissed at this book. Periodt. And that’s on eavesdropping.