A review by bolynne
Skyfarer by Joseph Brassey


****I received a copy of this ARC thanks to NetGalley and the publishers in exchange for an honest review!****

And the awesome sci-fi kick continues!

This book is exactly how a first installment in a series should be: a complete story on it's own with it's own stakes and own resolution and a lead off into the next one. I am not very happy when I get to the end of a book and it's literally just exposition and the characters freaking out about this BIG BAD THING only to get a tiny taste of what that thing is followed by a STAY TUNED FOR THE REAL ACTION NEXT TIME MAYBE I DUNNO I HAVEN'T ACTUALLY THOUGHT THIS THROUGH BUT I NEEDED TO GET A BOOK OUT. Because it is an ARC and that means the second book won't be coming out for quite some time, I'm satisfied with where we have ended, because at least I got a full experience out of this. The author also gives a fair bit about how this world works and therefore allows us readers to wonder and stew on just how much is, hopefully, coming for us next time.

It also had one of my favorite villains that I've read lately. He's a fully realized person and that's made very clear. I actually enjoyed his POV just as much, if not more, than our Protagonists'.

I like the direction this series seems to be headed and will definitely pick up the second installment when it gets written/released. I recommend this book to any sci-fi fan. Seriously.