A review by lauraborkpower
Modern Romance: An Investigation by Aziz Ansari


This book wasn't what I thought it would be. I hadn't read much about it, but assumed that a book about romance by Ansari would be his own personal narratives about navigating late-twenties/early-thirties dating.

But that's not it at all, and I'm so glad.

Ansari teamed up with sociologist Eric Klinenberg to do about a year's worth of research about romance: interviews with sociologists and psychologists; investigation into historical research and studies; analysis of survey results from organizations like Match.com; discussions with people around the world who participate in all sorts of dating activities (online, traditional). And they wrote a book analyzing what people do when they date, and, sometimes, how they could be doing it better.

He disclaims that they focused on heterosexual dating practices among middle-class people in developed countries. He peppers his own experiences throughout, but it's supplemental and not the focus, which I liked. It's not a personal narrative; it's the result of a curious (and very funny) mind. My only complaint is that it's not tremendously detailed. I'd have liked it about twice as long to really get into some of these topics. But it's a pop-psychology book written by a comedian, so I knew that going in.

Ansari narrates the audiobook, so if you like his stand-up, you'll love his performance here.