A review by lacunaboo
A Question of Will by Alex Albrinck


The story in this book is a sort of thriller with heavy science fiction and fantasy elements. There is a nefarious organization of people with special powers, plus a rebel group that broke away from the others and works in the best interests of the plain old humans. A man and his family get unsuspectingly tangled up in all that business. A dash of time travel spices things up.

The author has some good ideas and a degree of talent with the written word (although he is rather fond of some cliche phrases), but has yet to learn how to string it all together into a cohesive novel in a way that works.

The book would tell the same piece of information over and over again as we read from different character points of view. I understand that one person is just learning of it, but since the reader already knows, you have to find a better way than just repeating the same things to us. And then again. And again. This was especially tiresome when the entire first scene was repeated from different perspectives at least 4 times. I struggled to keep reading at that point.

I developed no connection to any of the characters, and found some of the characterization laughable.

As I said, though, the author has some good ideas, he just needs some more experience on how to piece the story together in a more compelling way.