A review by dzidzigerica
The Fault in Our Stars by John Green


This book.




Is the most amazing thing I have ever read.
It's also the only book that has ever made me cry.
It also made me think about how sad this world actually is, and how actually sad I am.
It made me think about life. A lot. Mostly because the way the characters think is very similar to my way of thinking.
A bit of humor and a bit of sadness. A bit of love and a bit of pain.
I heard a lot of thoughts about the meaning of the title of the book. I'm not sure about any one of them.
But the thing is that I can't imagine this book with any other title. Not ever. It's just perfect the way it is.

There were times when I started to cry while reading this book, but then something funny will happen and I'll be over it in a second. The only time I cried for real was at the end.

There was also this other thing this book had made me think about.

It made me think about how much I HATE JOHN GREEN.
Don't get me wrong. I love him, actually. It's just that his writing is so beautiful and it's so sad at the same time and he has this thing where he kills love of the main characters lives. WHY, JOHN, WHY?