A review by eesh25
The Geography of You and Me by Jennifer E. Smith


4.5 Stars

This feels like a Romance novel. Emphasis on the capital r. It's the tone, the way it feels like it's bigger than what it is. It has themes of self-discovery, exploring the world and even some fate thrown in there, which isn't usually my thing but the author takes a realistic approach to it. Also, she never mentions the word fate, which is great.

The story starts when Owen and Lucy meet. They get in an elevator when there's a city-wide blackout. They get out soon enough but the blackout lasts for more than a day and in that time, they hang out. It's very cute and there's obvious chemistry between the two. But that's just the first meeting. Neither of their lives are uncomplicated and both are moving two different parts of the country (or in Lucy's case, the world) so it's not possible to have a normal relationship.

The rest of the novel focuses on their travels, the ways they find to communicate with one another, how they discover their feelings for each other and how they discover themselves.

This was a very lighthearted novel (which I always love) and honestly, kind of beautiful. The tone of the novel was soothing, optimistic and fresh. I loved both the characters and loved rooting for them not just romantically, but just as individuals who haven't got the hand of things just yet, who're having problems with their families, even small ones.

Also, the novel sucks you in. Every time you visit a new place, you feel like you're there with the characters, seeing what they see, feeling what they feel. This is a feel-good book if I ever saw one and since I read it while I was sick, it was perfect. Probably my favourite by Jennifer E. Smith so far. And while I've seen a lot of mixed reviews, I personally recommend reading it. It's a great book that makes you feel all the good emotions with a story that's almost poetic in its execution.