A review by mikayla_oliver1616
I'd Die for You: And Other Lost Stories by F. Scott Fitzgerald


As someone who has read and enjoyed the majority of Fitzgerald’s work, I enjoyed the opportunity to dive into his writing process. I think my favourite parts of this collection were the intros to each story that give some of the context behind the stories, and the attempts Fitzgerald made to publish them before they made into this collection of “lost” stories.

As with any short story collection my enjoyment varied from the highs of “Nightmare,” the titular “Id die for you,” “Gracie at Sea,” and “The Pearl and the Fur,” to the lows of “Thumbs Up,” and “What to do about it.” For me some of my main problems with the stories stemmed from the fact that many had been intended to be screenplays. This resulted in a few of the stories being hard to follow, or not fully fleshed out.

With all that said, I’m glad I read this collection, as it definitely provides a different perspective on the writing and storytelling of Fitzgerald. The characters are all captivating in their one way, and even the shortest stories are memorable. I’d definitely recommend this to anyone who is a fan of Fitzgerald, but probably not as an introduction to his work.

Rating: 3.75