A review by clowdywings
美少女戦士セーラームーン新装版 1 [Bishōjo Senshi Sailor Moon Shinsōban 1] by Naoko Takeuchi


I was honestly so surprised to find out that I didn’t really mind this art style. It’s probably because I’ve seen it so much all over the internet. I do have a few bones to pick with it, but they’re ignorable.

The story is a sci-fi/fantasy/contemporary mix with a hearty bit of fluff. I did enjoy the sci-fi and fantasy elements since they were done in a tasteful way. The (then) contemporary parts were humorous, reading this as a person who has a flat screen computer and a portable cell phone.

Anyways, the other thing that bugged me was Tuxedo Mask’s stalking. I was surprised at how much I enjoyed this.

(I don’t really get that the masks cover the face enough to hide your identity. I get what they’re model off of but this artist’s representation of it is questionable.)