A review by cinchona
Persuasion by Jane Austen


The good: Austen often inserts ironic and funny bits in her narrative, and she certainly weaves together a complex cast of characters who are easy to distinguish into "people you're supposed to like" and "people you're not supposed to like."

The bad: The plot is achingly slow, completely mired in utterly boring interpersonal machinations, and incredibly predictable. Perhaps it's just my modern eye that finds a romance difficult to comprehend which involves nothing even so improper as kissing, and mostly consists of staring demurely at each other and obliquely referring to unexpressed feelings.

Perhaps this book is a very important literary classic that was revolutionary in its time (the end certainly does seem like it is trying very blatantly to impress The Moral on the reader), but I wouldn't call it an enjoyable or interesting read for the modern person.