A review by barawe
Мужчина в отрыве: Игры, порно и потеря идентичности by Филип Зимбардо, Philip G. Zimbardo, Никита Коломбе

Listen, I genuinely want to know more about the possible problems the opposite sex may encounter so I understand the ladz better. I do think that since PC games were from the very start more successful in catering to men, boys could be more affected by their negative effects. I also think that while we women need to solve issues such as 'what do you do when you want a family and a career and next to zero days of parental leave?', men have their own share of unsolved problems I want to hear about. However, 14 pages in, the only thing I've got are spicy example of argumentational fallacies and lack of citations in all of the important places, all written in a way too dramatic language to be taken seriously.

just hanging there without any citation, presented just as 'my colleague said it':
'A surprising amount of men don’t seem to want to work at jobs
that will bring in money or even help out with household chores that will keep
their living space tidy. These guys are content just to hang around doing ‘their
thing’ but perform nothing that traditionally resembles ‘work’.
like what is your 'surprising amount of men'? my american boys, I know that you do not like
measurement systems but 'surprising amount' isn't a unit.

correlation does not imply causation:
'Health care – a major female-dominated industry – was relatively insulated,
while industries such as manufacturing and construction, where most employees
are men, accounted for about half of the 6.5 million US jobs lost since the most
recent recession started.'
like really? In the last 40 years manufacturing internationally moved to Asia, both
manufacturing and construction will
never fly in times of economic recession, cse everyone is keeping their money and planned
projects are being postponed, volumes of manufactured stuff decreased AND you are
cherry-picking. Even back then in 2008, I bet the TECH-IT industry dominated by men still kept
its upwards curve. If you now pop in charts for stock funds investing in robotics, IT
and healthcare, all of them raise steeply and steadily with IT being the most progressive for the
last 5-10 years. And I am not talking about 2 - 3 percent growth. Those all go well above 100.

so yeah...14 pages in and I am already annoyed.

Chapter 7 actually handy chapter on the ADHD medicaments used to raise school performance and their negative effects that come when the pills are used over a longer period of time. My problem?
How can any reader take the proposed arguments seriously, when the sentence 'He just won’t do much or want to do much, but be a smiling couch potato. ' is used as a link to 2 serious academic citations. Pick your register, stay in the register. Sincerely, your 101 academic writing class.

'Those messages from Mum, one of our most important mentors, along with
the slew of celebrity mothers, such as Sofía Vergara, Gwyneth Paltrow and Heidi
Klum, being toted as ‘superwomen’ who do it all and have it all, and still look
hot at 40 and 50 years old, leaves ordinary young women feeling anxious and
confused, and eventually leaves them feeling disappointed when they realize
they won’t have it all - ' Because our young mothers apparently all have the IQ of half-rotten kohlrabi and believe everything 'em big boys in media feed them. I mean seriously. Do you really claim that the majority gives a damn about Gwyneth Paltrow, from all people? She made a candle that smells like her vag. That then blew into a lawsuit over its unusual explosive properties. I don't know about all the other ladies around the world but so far I've seen a distinct lack of fermented fish, wax and explosives being bought down here in our lovely little Europe.