A review by jamiesbookaddiction
Come Away with Me by Kristen Proby


This book was ok for the most part. At first I enjoyed Luke and Natalie. I liked how their relationship was growing. Then they had sex and it was great at first until it wasn't. This was definitely insta-love. Well I think insta-lust would be more appropriate actually. The sex in this book was way over the top. I literally started rolling my eyes at one point. There was so much it seemed like it was used as a filler. I almost can't believe I'm about to say this but, I wish she would've focused less on sex and more on substance in their relationship.

The other issue I had with this book was how overused specific words were used. For example, the word beautiful was used 184 times. Baby was used...205 times. It just starts to be offputting when it's used over and over and over.

I'm a little nervous to move forward with this series. But I will because I realize this was the first in the series and maybe was the first book written by the author. So I'm going to hope the writing gets better and some of these issues disappear in future books. I'm crossing my fingers...