A review by readabookortwo
The Island by M.A. Bennett


Having loved the authors debut novel, S.T.A.G.S, I was so excited to finally dive into The Island, unfortunately, I was not a huge fan of this book which is sad.

I did really like the concept of this book, it did give me some S.T.A.G.S vibes as well as The Breakfast Club vibes but it didn't live up to either of those titles sadly. But, yes I really did like the concept of these teenagers who are all so completely different, yet similar, being stuck on this dessert island with each other, having to fend for themselves and eventually work together. I thought it might turn into a "found family" story which again, unfortunately, it didn't but I was hopeful okay.

My biggest issues with this book were:
1) The characters
2) The predictability of the "twist"

1) The characters.

I can honestly say that I hated all of the characters in this story apart from one, Ralph, who I grew to love by the end of the book but I didn't like anyone else. Honestly, from the start of the book, I disliked the main character. With his, yes I am just one big stereotype, personality and I know the author did that on purpose, well I hope she did because else it's an even bigger mess, but I just think promoting stereotypes like that is harmful oops. But over the book, I just hated him more and more, he was convoluted and just grew to be more and more pretentious, kind of really wanted him to punch him in the face??? I also really didn't like the others on the island. They treated everyone "below" them like they were just a piece of shit they picked off their shoe whilst they were still at school and at the beginning of them all being on The Island, it really rubbed me up the wrong way. Yes, I know that people in high school are like that believe me but I thought the author really overdid it honestly. Like I said, by the end, I really did like Ralph. I thought he turned out to be so sweet and I'm so glad that he perused being a doctor in the future because he really did seem like he was excited to learn and help people!

2) The predictability of that "twist"

You know what, I'll admit, when it was first revealed I was like ah yes! But then I thought back and thought about kind of how obvious it was. When they first started to explore the island and the plane, I kind of had my suspicions that what was going on was going on but then I pushed it down and when it actually got to the reveal, I was shocked for about five seconds before I was bored again. After the twist, was when Link truly became intolerable. Normally, when I come out of a thriller, I can't stop thinking about the plot twist for days, weeks and the whole book goes around in my head but I'm already starting to forget this one and I really am sad about it.

Also, one other gripe I had with this book was the school. Some people in high school are absolutely horrific, I have first hand experience of pretty intense bullying but, the school was just so unrealistic. The run thing was just so stupid, no school is actually like that. No responsible adults, teachers in a school are that horrific to all of their students and do absolutely nothing to at least try and prevent the behaviour shown in this book, it really did annoy me honestly.

Overall, I did not like The Island which does make me so sad but I am hoping the sequel to S.T.A.G.S is a book I enjoy a lot more!