A review by alexfromatlanta
Eyelash by Ivan Stang, Nikolai Kingsley


If you're reading this, or considering reading this book, and the word SubGenius doesn't mean anything to you - STOP! For the love of "Bob", give that word a quick Google and immerse yourself in everything you find. If what you see offends you, weirds you out, confuses you, or otherwise does anything but turn you on, this whole thing probably isn't for you. There's nothing wrong with being a Pink, but as an official SubGenius novel, you're going to get pretty lost if you don't have at least a little Yeti blood in you.

Alright, with that introduction to weed out the Conspiracy dupes, I trust that I'm only talking to the fully-initiated true followers of "Bob" (or whatever Short Duration Personal Savior you're worshiping today).

Nikolai Kingsley's Eyelash began its life as posts on an online SubGenius forum and is a 100% doctrinally correct science fiction adventure focusing on two SubGenii on a mission from "Bob". The story takes us aboard a Xist ship to the far reaches of space and interweaves the complex mythology of the church with plenty of bulldada. Both the protagonists and the reader must constantly ask what's real and who's trying to get one over on who (much like real life, I suppose).

Again, if any of what I just said doesn't make sense to you, parts of this book are going to be really confusing. For those in the know, it's a fun, easy read, and the love and attention that clearly went into the crafting of this story are delightful. This is a great way to pass some time as you await the true 1998 and X-Day. *And don't forget to send in your $35 dollars or you'll be doomed!