A review by ellaellaellaetc
Forked by Ruth Cardello


this is about a girl who falls in love with her fork (the fork is actually a secret supersoldier for the US military in WWII that got turned into a fork) and it was perfect. to understand the vibe of this book I have enclosed screenshots of some of my favourite quotes from this amazing piece of fiction. what I loved about this shameless smut was that it knew exactly what it was and it delivered on the silly factor that you would expect from a book like this!! if you don't read this genre often (why wouldn't you...) it might surprise you to find out that a lot of books like this take themselves way too seriously, like this is an antique fork that vibrates to get a lonely 21st century woman off 
  and (spoilers) can only become a man again when he is "intimate with a woman", let's be for real. i mean this as a compliment, but this is the sabrina carpenter of books; silly, goofy and fun if a little lazy on the writing sometimes.

 my one main complaint is that the author will completely gloss over really interesting (and important!) details/plot points. like I'm glad that this was very short (under 200 pages) but why does this guy join an underground fighting ring OFF PAGE??? like he gets into a bar fight (defending the honour of a helpless woman😤😤) and then this random guy comes up to him and is like "wow that was pretty cool, if you want to make some money by fighting people illegally, follow me!" and then we get a time skip to him walking out being like "cool I just made $1000 by fighting people! anyway, let's go home" and then the plot just continues??? huh???😭😭 why wouldn't you show this happening😭😭 it's funny cause while I was reading this in class we were learning about the concept of show vs tell and when to show a scene happening vs you should just summarise what happened, this was definitely NOT a time to summarise😭😭

I would encourage people with strange taste and a sense of humour to give this a read, but beware! the author's note clearly states that this is a work of fiction and that she doesn't want her readers forking around and finding out!!! 3.25 stars