A review by english_lady03
Realm Divided: A Year in the Life of Plantagenet England by Dan Jones


A good overview of the period and subject matter overall, that complement's Mr Jones other recent title 'Magna Carta'.

There is some important information about law and legal process, as well as the society and culture of the period, and of Key figures involved.
Whist the Bibliography demonstrated that the book is clearly well researched, with extensive consultation of primary source material, I did get the impression that there seemed to be some serious over-simplifications and generalizations about certain issues (such as the dietary habits of Medieval Englishmen and the status of women), which other works or sources have caused me to doubt.

I also got the distinct impression in some places, that, although published by the London-based Head of Zeus the book was aimed towards an American audience (with the explanations of geographical features in the UK, or explaining the locations of various towns, cities and building). Perhaps this was the reason for some of the generalizations about the period- or indeed, could this be simply be a republished and revised version of his US title 'Magna Carta: Birth of Liberty'? I have noticed some similarity in a few of the chapter headings, for example.

Perhaps the above stated about generalizations is an incorrect assumption, but even so, seeing this trend in books and documentaries made by Brits for general comsumption in the Americas annoys me.
Why should our American cousins have to have thier history 'watered down' so to speak? Its an insult to people who are quite capable of appreciating the naunces and complexity of the past.

In conclusion, I would certainly commend this as a good and useful book, as well as an interesting introduction to the social history of the period- but I would recommend further reading for those wanting to learn more. I'm sure Mr Jones would not object.....