A review by izumisano
Mila 2.0: Renegade by Debra Driza


This book was:
20% reminiscing about the first book
50% awkward romance
20% Mila being an idiot
10% high-octane android action

Mila was so completely stupid in this book. I don't remember being this frustrated in the first book, but it is possible I let it slide since she just found out that she's really a robot. She's an android. A top secret military weapon. Apparently they didn't download any common sense in her, because much of her logic through this book was completely out there. For example, the police suspect her in the death of her mother. Her first thought was, "Oh the hobo got a better look at me than I thought." Or the secret government organization that is chasing you released the information. "Holland wouldn't have done that because he can't let people know about his activities." He is a general in a top military organization, he released the information for your capture.

Later when she finds a tracer on Hunter's car (more about him later), naturally she assumes that he is apart of the Vita Obscura group that is also chasing her. As amazing as that would be to the plot line, maybe you should calm down a bit and assume that the V.O. added the bug to his car while you guys were away. They're not exactly being all incognito and shit. But no, she assumes and verbally assaults Hunter, which hurts his feelings even more (to add onto all the weird shit he's been having to deal with). So much for Spy Training 101.

She is also completely lost on how to deal with dogs. I mean come on. Her robot self doesn't have some kind of defense program that tells her how to handle that situation? They had to suspect that she would bump into that type of security problem. I figured she'd be a Matrix type situation where they'd download all relevant files and it comes out naturally when she needs them, but I guess not. She's no better than an idiot, sheltered teenager with unnatural strength.

Then there's the whole fact that Hunter is there with her on this manhunt, as she tries to find out more about herself. He drives across country for her, and then she's constantly putting him in danger and telling him really bad lies. Like she didn't even think her cover story through when it took him, I dunno, 2 days to drive there for her. His whole purpose was to show the reader that Mila is a normal human being on the emotional level. But his presence is completely unnecessary to the story. The book would also be a needed 100 pages shorter because you wouldn't have all their drama gumming up the plot. Yes Hunter is dreamy with his amazing crooked smile. But just send the kid a postcard.