A review by anabelsbrother
Hamilton's Battalion: A Trio of Romances by Courtney Milan, Alyssa Cole, Rose Lerner


This review is for Rose Lerner's and Alyssa Cole's short stories. I will be reviewing Courtney's short on its own.

Promised Land (3.5 stars)

- Second chance romance
- Married M/F
- Jewish MCs

Rose Lerner is a name I've heard a lot in historical romance but have never tried before. One of my best friends recommended me one of Rose's book when I was branching out on HR but I still haven't read that one because...I have no good reason,


It took me a while to warm up to the story (which was also the reason why it took me a looooong time to finish this book; I couldn't get into this story so I put the book down) but nth time's the charm? I admire Rachel a lot for her courage and the sacrifices she made. Nathan is another case of YouTried_meme.jpeg, I can't help but adore him. There were a lot of conflict between them and I love how Rose managed to incorporate their character growths in a short length. I also love how their story ended. The Scene between Rachel and Hamilton had me rolling on the floor.

I need to start that Rose Lerner book I have ASAP.

That Would Be Enough (3.5 stars)

- F/F
- Black MCs

Alyssa Cole is one of the authors whose works I have hoarded but never started for no reason idek. Anyway, this story was a bit intense mainly because Mercy was an intense sort of person. She's loved and been burned for it, so it made her closed off and more than a little wary when she met Andromeda, who's described as sunshine and light. I love Andromeda instantly. I love how she gets under Mercy's skin, I've always loved reading about a grumpy/lively dynamic. The letter exchange is my favourite part of this story.

E-ARC is received thanks to the publisher via Netgalley.