A review by the_novel_approach
Beneath the Layers by Sydney Blackburn, Sita Bethel, Elizabeth Coldwell, Nicki J. Markus, E.M. Hamill, C.L. Mustafic, Caitlin Ricci, Asta Idonea, C.A. Blocke


~ 3.5 Stars Overall ~

There are eight stories contained in this latest anthology from NineStar Press. All contain lightly erotic stories of men who are femme-leaning, and enjoy some kink in their lives. The stories introduce you to the wide range of topics contained within the femme kink, and the men who push the boundaries of gender expression. It covers everything from manties to drag to transgender men. There are some heavy hitting authors here, and I really think that you will enjoy at least one or two of these stories enough to try out the other works by the authors contained in it. All the stories have a HFN or HEA ending, and range from fantasy to contemporary.

A Linebacker in Lace by Caitlin Ricci

This story was a great way to kick off this anthology. It’s light. It’s happy. The characters are engaging for such a short story and you have to appreciate an ex-footballer who loves emerald lace. Brent and Arliss are perfect for each other, and the loving acceptance Brent begins to feel is heartwarming. You have to appreciate a hunky man in lace, and the hot guy who loves him that way.

Satin Secrets by CL Mustafic

This is one of the most erotic of the offerings. Mustafic delivers a character driven story; it may be short but it is really well written. We get role play here, on both MCs’ parts, and the result is a tension filled and emotionally charged story. We have a dirty cop(?) who discovers something about the man he has decided to make his. Yep, this one’s good.

Backwards and in High Heels by Elizabeth Coldwell

The story begins with longing on the part of our MC; he really wants to take his kink to the next level and dress as woman for the first time, but Billie is concerned about what Oliver will think. They have explored their mutual kink in the past, but never to this extent. Billie has planned a night out—a very special night out—and the lead up to it is about to kill him. This story was as awkward as Billie is. It was sweet, full of longing, but just didn’t draw me in. I liked it, but it just didn’t resonate with me.

Angels in Delaware by Sita Bethel

Gotta love a good title pun! This story is our poly addition to the anthology, and covers the meeting of Beau, Angel and Delaware. It’s a coarser addition to the group, more of a hot rod bad boy threesome. Delaware and cross-dressing Angel have been together for a while. It has always been their hope that they could find a third, but it’s been hard to find the right fit and they have almost given up. Meeting Beau in a bar and taking him home ignites hope that they have found their HEA.

All That Entails by E.M. Hamill

Fantasy abounds in this next medieval story. We meet an androgynous, gender fluid prince, and a trans princess, who fate puts together as only fate can. This was by far my favorite story. These were well written, aptly described characters who feel everything with such fervor that they are a joy to read about. Your heart will ache for the two of them as family and tradition force them together in an arranged marriage and neither, at first, knows what to make of the other at all. This one ends in a HFN, with the two MCs agreeing to start with friendship and accept each other at face value despite what others may think. It’s the sweet start of finding acceptance where you least expect it that makes this one a treasure.

After the Dance by Sydney Blackburn

For this story, we wing you back in time to the age of the airships. A time when class or social standing meant quite a bit and strictures on behavior were very much in place. Here we meet Frank, a young mechanic who works on the latest model airships, a man who is very proud of all he has accomplished considering his lowly beginnings. And we meet Charles, son of the owner of the company—young, handsome, rich, and gay. Class barriers aside, these two men bond over their love of flying until Charles’ parents tell him he must marry and set up a dance of eligible women to make that happen. There is one girl who steals his heart, only she’s not a girl, so what will happen now? This is a true love conquers all story, and I loved every minute of it.

A Secret Shared by C.A. Blocke

Back to present day, in a big way, with the next one, which features a geeky nerd role play master and his football boyfriend. This one is all flirt, with a jock in manties who dares to open himself up to his boyfriend because he longs for someone to finally know the real him. There’s banter between these two men, and that keeps it from getting real heavy. This story is written for a YA/NA crowd; even though our MCs are in college, it has a real young fresh feel.

Ruffle My Feathers by Asta Idonea

The last story in the book does what it’s supposed to; it leaves you wanting more. This short tells the story of Barrett, a construction worker who is a closet drag queen on the side, and Keith, an engineer for a construction firm who has never felt comfortable coming out of his closet. Keith comes out of his closet just long enough to catch Barrett out of his closet, in drag form, and the world implodes for both men. They work together and begin a dance of who will crack first and step across the lines each man has drawn for himself. In the end, both men find love and acceptance, support and friendship in some unlikely places, and their lives are enriched by finally being true to themselves. I absolutely would have bought this if it was a full length novel.

On the whole, I enjoyed this anthology. There were some hits and misses, but that’s the way of it sometimes, and my favs will be different from yours, and vice versa. I would definitely recommend it for those who like stories about men with a femme kink. Each of these are positive encouraging stories, lightly erotic; the sex varies from story to story, and isn’t the focus of any of these shorts. This anthology is more a supportive, feel good, be true to yourself affirmation of men who enjoy looking, dressing, or feeling all things female.

Reviewed by Carrie for The Novel Approach