A review by amy_k
Chasing Solace by Karl Drinkwater


Chasing Solace is almost twice as long as the first instalment and I wondered how the author could fill such a large book AND make it engaging when ostensibly the plots were the same (Opal searching a lost ship for her sister.)
Of course, I shouldn't have underestimated Karl Drinkwater.
The plot is similar, yes but this lost ship is different and presents its own challenges. The cast of characters is still limited, yes but Aegis is a welcome and amusing addition and the AI foe whom Athene encounters sparks many questions. For every similarity I find, Karl has countered it with a 'yes but' which took the novel in unexpected directions and made for a twisty, turny read.
I'll admit the events around the 80% mark - specifically the descriptions of Null Space - left me confused and as such these few chapters dragged, but this is a result of my lack of understanding of the science of Chasing Solace and not a reflection of the skill of the author.
Opal continues to be a fascinating main protagonist and time spent in her head is always interesting and rewarding. And as always, I loved the humour and wryness of the AI characters.
If you like science fiction, you will love Chasing Solace.