A review by fwog19
On a Pale Horse by Piers Anthony


This book was one I first read back in high school at the recommendation from a weirdo in my biology class that is now my husband. (Go figure.) It's a good thing that things didn't hinge completely on this book because had I read it NOW and based things on just the book, we probably wouldn't have gotten married. ;)

Honestly, it was still a good book. I still love the series. Looking at it through adult eyes instead of bored teenager eyes brings a whole new light to it, though. For example, I didn't realize back then how much of an idiot Zane was for most of the book. "The Father of Lies didn't tell me the truth?! HOW IS THAT POSSIBLE?!" Really, dude? Really?

I think knowing how the rest of the series goes helped keep my enjoyment of the book up. By itself it's just meh. Zane is still not the brightest, but you can tell that he's learning throughout the book and that saves me from wanting to smack him too badly. Now, on to the rest of the series to see how much they've changed from when I was a teenager. ;)