A review by jscarpa14
Love, Lies, and Hocus Pocus: Legends by Lydia Sherrer


I want the next book yesterday

I guess my biggest complaint with this story and well the series is the lack of physical reminders. Like I know that Lily normally keeps her hair in a bun but not with sticks because she's afraid she'll hurt herself. What I don't remember because if it was mentioned it was never reiterated, is what color is Lily's hair? How long is it? What colors are their eyes? While I don't need the descriptions drilled into my mind the occasional reminder helps to keep the mental picture in my mind.

That said I've gotten used to the bookended point of view style of Sherrer's writing and appreciate that there are no longer massive time gaps between points of view. I love how she's finally brought us up close and personal with her leading characters as the series has progressed. I love how with each book the world continues to grow and include more characters but Sherrer takes the time to remind us of the older characters from other tales in the series by.mentioning them or including a small scene with them. Like with many series the danger was increased from the prior novel and this novels is even more of a page turner than the last. Definitely a great read.