A review by caseroo7
Asking For Trouble by Tessa Bailey


Review originally posted at Ramblings From This Chick

Asking For Trouble is the fourth book in Tessa Bailey's Line of Duty series. I was really excited to read this book after having read Officer Off Limits. I really loved Daniel and Story in book three, but I was also really curious to get their best friends Hayden and Brent's story as well. This book definitely did not disappoint, and I loved every second I spent reading this one. This series is super hot and I love the characters. Every one I read in this series just keeps getting better. You can read this as a standalone if you haven't read any of the other books in this series, but I would absolutely recommend that you give this series a shot if you haven't read any yet.

Hayden and Brent can't stand each other. They didn't get off on the right foot when their best friends Daniel and Story first met and they have been at each other's throats ever since. Brent is an explosives expert who moonlights as a mechanic in order to not only make ends meet, but also to help support his family. Hayden has been raised in a wealthy household and spends her time running charity events and organizations. Brent thinks that Hayden is just another rich girl who likes to spend her time shopping and looking down on those who work for a living, while Hayden thinks that Brent is just another cocky and judgmental cop. But every argument between them seems to build their attraction to each other until one night the passion between them explodes. All of a sudden they cannot stop thinking about each other and wondering where all their chemistry could possibly take them. But besides the obstacles already in the way, Hayden's dad is about to lose everything and the only way to save it means that she has to forget Brent and marry someone else. Brent isn't about to let Hayden go without a fight though.

I really liked Brent. At first I wasn't so sure about him. He came off as cocky and extremely judgmental. He didn't give Hayden a chance to show him that she wasn't at all like he had thought and just assumed that he knew her. But the more he got to know Hayden that started to change, and you could really tell that he was really starting to like her and see that she was different than he had first thought. I loved that he was so supportive and thoughtful when it came to his family. He went out of his way to make sure that they were all taken care of despite what he might have to sacrifice in order to help them out. I really enjoyed watching his character change over the course of the book and I thought that it was really great to see his sweet side come out at times. I think my favorite part of the whole book was the end when he makes his big speech to Hayden. I absolutely fell in love with him right then! Hayden was also really likable. I loved that she was classy and sophisticated from growing up the way she did, and yet she was also able to let loose and have fun. She was caring and sweet, and she really tried to use her money and influence to support worthy causes. I thought that Brent and Hayden were witty and I loved their banter! They were so much fun to read about and I just couldn't stop reading because I had to see what they would do or say next. There is such a fine line between love and hate, and I cannot tell you how much I enjoyed watching as Hayden and Brent figured everything out! These two were extremely hot together and I loved how they took turns with who was in charge. It was nice to see both being able to give and take when it came to the dominance and control. I also really loved that Brent was a dirty talker!

Overall, this series is quickly becoming a favorite of mine and Tessa Bailey has definitely gained a fan in me. I absolutely love her characters. They are always interesting and have a depth to them that you don't often find. I also really love that although there are sweet moments and romance, that Tessa Bailey always packs in a ton of steamy sex scenes as well. They are always extremely well written and will leave you fanning yourself and reaching for a glass of water. I highly recommend that you pick up Asking For Trouble and give it a shot. I think that this series is definitely a must read for romance fans. Readers will fall in love with the characters and keep flipping the pages in order to find out what happens next. I cannot wait to read more from Tessa Bailey and see what she has in store for us next. I am anxiously awaiting Matt's story. I think that there is so much to him that we haven't seen yet, and I can't wait to get to know him better.

**ARC provided by Publisher**