A review by shellysbookcorner
The Bachelor Auction by Rachel Van Dyken


The Bachelor Auction Review

This story is a twist on the Cinderella story. Jane is the baby sister and lives with her two older sisters who use her and boss her around. Tired of being dumped on she chooses to spend three weeks cleaning the estate of Brock Wellington. There is an attraction between the main couple and after some push and pull they get together. The story was cute and the writing was really good. My issue with Jane was that she was weak for far too long. I was waiting for her to have her "big moment" with her horrible sisters and it never happened. She need more of a backbone and it never developed. So that was a miss for me. Brock on the other hand dealt with his issues of his parents death and his overbearing grandfather, Charles. I really loved his brother Bentley and Brant.They had several laugh out loud moments. Oh and Nadine!! I loved her and the love/hate relationship she had with their grandfather, Charles. I can't wait for the rest of the books and this was an excellent start to a new series!

*an arc was given through Netgalley for an honest review*

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