A review by nicolleelizabeth
The Dark Days Deceit by Alison Goodman


I did love this book and the author's commitment to detail is astounding.

I love all the characters in this book and the way the relatioshios develop are great but despite the length there wasn't as much of that as there had been in previous books. Quinn and Darby deserved more dammit! We deserved an epilogue of a year later or SOMETHING.

I was and wasn't surprised at the deceiver duo because I thought the first battle was too easy, I couldn't understand how it was done but we still had so much book left.

Considering the one part of the duo I felt like the wedding was a way to even the score between Carlston and Helen in terms of now they're both widowers. Also the very subtle, once mentioned, rape suggestion made me feel uncomfortable. But the way Helen responded its clear that because of the time it was set it was very common and she could look after herself so she wasn't overly worried, but still I wouldn't have said yes at the aisle to him.

The Elise thing was annoying throughout and I did feel like it could have been done differently in terms of us realising she may have been closer than we realised. For example, they recognised Berta, so should they not have been able to recognise Elise in other forms?

Anyway, great books