A review by angiesix
The Fringe Hours: Making Time for You by Jessica N. Turner


This was my January pick for the Modern Mrs. Darcy Reading Challenge in the category of "A book you've been meaning to read." The Fringe Hours has been on my To Be Read list for since it was published. From the publisher: "Perfect for any woman who is doing everything for everyone—except herself." (Raises hand.) I've gotten better in the last year, but I know there's room for improvement. I was hoping Turner's book would help me manage my time better and lose the last remnants of guilt that linger when I schedule time just for me. However, her focus is less on time management and more on providing a pep talk about why you should make time for yourself. The basic idea is that we all have these little fringe hours in our day that we can choose to spend doing things that feed our soul instead of frittering away. I feel as if I'm beyond that and was looking for more concrete examples of managing my day. While it didn't necessarily teach me anything new, I can see how Turner's ideas and examples could be just what an overwhelmed and guilt-ridden mom might need to inspire her to make herself a priority.