A review by booksnakeaaron
Meet Me Under the Mistletoe by M. Robinson


ugh, hello to the worst book of 2021.

I have a huge range of negative thoughts on this book, so lets start with the positive
1) The story by Theodora Taylor- sweet, fun and smutty with an interesting storyline

The negative
1) during this collection there was MULTIPLE occasions of sexual harassment, sexual assault and no consent. I did not find this hot. (There is a difference between consensual non consent but a lot of the time it was simply no consent). In one story the male character literally says " I don’t need your consent to have you, to have what I want…", LITERALLY no thanks. I found a lot of these scenes uncomfortable to read.
2) multiple stories had sexist elements to them- one time the male literally goes 'seeing you think is hot, seeing you use your brain is hot' hmmm okay then.
3) this was marketed as Christmas smut and yet I literally got no Christmas vibes. I expected cosy love by the fire, sucking on candy canes and climbing on Santas chimney. What I got was a random Christmas party and poorly written smut
4) poorly written smut- now as this was a short story collection of purely smut and romance I did not expect every story to be stunning but I literally got so bored of the same phrases being repeated and repeated.
5) the formatting and order of the stories- this is just a personal one for me but towards the end of the collection there was about 3/4 mafia/gang stories each with the same kind of storyline and it just annoyed me
6) there was not of representation ( one of the characters hinted to be bi/pan from one sentence)- there were a couple characters of colour and thats about it. for a 600 page collection you would expect there to be some types of representation, ex: disability, lgbt....

Overall I just did not enjoy this story and would honestly binge read some boyxboy (or any stories ) on Wattpad.