A review by unicornheart_books
Everyone on This Train Is a Suspect by Benjamin Stevenson


“But legacy isn’t a stamp left by the people with ink. It’s not about leaving your fingerprints, it’s about having fingerprints left on you. In the case of books, the legacy isn’t created by writing it, it’s created by the people who pick it up, who expand and enrich and enlighten your words with how they reinterpret, remember and relive them. It’s passion, it’s tears.”

“Sequels aren’t always a disappointment, you know. Sometimes a second go at things is exactly what you need. A chance to fix up the mistakes you made the first time around.”

What's not to love about this book? The Aussie humor throughout the book is exactly my cup of laughter doze, adding a delightful touch to the narrative. The events unfold in a cinematic, funny, and engaging manner, packed with fun mysteries that keep you hooked from start to finish.

One of the standout aspects of this book is the unpredictable plot twists. For a mystery novel, this is always a major plus, and Stevenson delivers in spades. The ending, in particular, was both hilarious and surprisingly heartwarming. It had me panicking for a moment, but I was ultimately pleased with how everything was tied up and presented so neatly.

I am now enthusiastically looking forward to reading the next book by this talented author. Benjamin Stevenson has quickly become a favorite of mine, and I can't wait to explore more of his works. This book is a must-read for anyone who loves a good mystery filled with humor, twists, and just a fun time. Highly recommended!
