A review by acedimski
Delirium Stories: Hana, Annabel, and Raven by Lauren Oliver


Finished Hana's short story. (4/5 stars)
I don't remember if I liked Hana in Delirium, but I'm pretty sure I didn't like her in Requiem. Especially when it came out that *spoiiilerrr!!*

... she was the one telling on Alex and Lena and 37 Brooks.
In this short story we see how she felt after he fight with Lena in Delirium, how she escaped the raid, and what she thought about Alex and Lena when she first found out about them. She was happy for her best friend but all I could read was the jealousy in her thoughts. While Lena was happy that she and Hana are back to be best friends, Hana was jealous and told on them.
A true friend doesn't do that, and I probably must say I don't like her, not even a bit.

Why 4 out of 5 stars? Because I got some Lena and Alex at the end & I thought it was interesting to read Hana's relationship to Steve. (Now I understand why she was that jealous, I mean ALEX LOVED LENA while Steve only wanted the S thing from Hana ... Still, friends don't crush each other's dreams and she's responsible for the fact that Alex got thrown into the Crypts and Lena lost him .... I'm not gonna forgive her)

Finished Annabel's story (5/5 stars)
One word. Beautiful.
I hadn't much an opinion on Lena's mom while reading the books. She was a mystery during Delirium but I knew I'd like her character. I was okay with the fact that she hasn't told Lena who she is in Pandemonium, but I wasn't sure whether to love her or not in Requiem. The relationship between Lena and her mother Annabel didn't seem deep enough to me. Of course, they just found each other and yes, it was weird for both of hem to start from the beginning, but still ...
This story made everything great. I loved that it was written like Pandemonium (Now/Then), and I loved her character just right away. She's amazig, loving, beautiful. I loved how she described her past, her love to her husband and her two girls, especially to Lena.
The story of how she met Conrad and how they got paired was amazing and I must say I wouldn't mind a whole book based on Annabel's life instead of a short story. LOVED IT!

Finished Raven's story (5/5 stars):
I don't know how to describe it and this review will be full of spoilers.
I always liked Raven's character but never was sure how much I should like her. I love mysterious characters with a dark, hidden background, with a heavy history. And I must say, it was predictable that Raven's family was the way they were. It's more the way how she describes her first kill, her first kiss, her first test, her first everything, while we also find out what she's up to (saving Lena while she's saving Julian).
Of all four delirium stories (I'm including Alex' too) I loved this one most!!!