A review by shahlasworld
Hot Pursuit by Julie Ann Walker


HOT PURSUIT by Julie Ann Walker is an erotic journey with a side of intrigue and suspense as an unlikely couple play cat and mouse with love.

Christian is “that” hero, hot, alpha and cocksure about life, except when it comes to Emily, but he willing to stick his neck out for something he never thought he could have. Emily is a little harder to know, to like or relate to. On the one hand, she wants what Christian is offering badly, but her denial is as weak as a kitten and her reliance on her past as an excuse, particularly after nearly dying gets a little annoying, I mean really shouldn’t she have realized what a gift life and love are?

Erotic, suspenseful and filled with characters that ooze alpha badassness, Julie Ann Walker certainly cannot be accused of going light on the sensual tension and heated passion!