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A review by jenzhg
A Raisin in the Sun by Lorraine Hansberry


4/5 ⭐️

I had to read this for school but it didn’t deter me from not loving this book.

Every character is so multifaceted and every prop holds so much symbolism which only just makes this play script so much more memorable and amazing.

Like each character was so deeply intricate and complex. Walter (I’ll admit) was a douchebag for like a good 7/8 of the play, but he isn’t just a douchebag because he wants to be. Or with Ruth, who’s the first women in the Younger household to receive higher education—-how we can see how this education differs her perspectives/opinion
with Mama and Ruth. To put it simply, every aspect, every character, every prop and setting all have a purpose and I am such a whore for that

Additionally, this book represented a few of my firsts. It was my first time reading a play script and it was my first time ever reading a book written completely in AAVE. Which I loved so much.

Besides the use of AAVE because of the author’s race and heritage, the AAVE also fits so well with the narrative of the story—-how the Younger family ultimately decides to say fuck you to Lindner and moves in to a completely white neighborhood—-how they basically grow into their race and heritage.

Arguably, the AAVE could’ve been used throughout the story as it is a play script and thus filled completely with dialogue. Regardless, I loved that aspect of the narrative structure and thinks that it elevated the tone of voice in “A Raisin In the Sun” so much more!!