A review by pattydsf
The Best American Spiritual Writing 2008 by Jimmy Carter, Philip Zaleski


I really do like essays. I can learn a little bit about a subject and then figure out if I want to know more. I have met some of my favorite authors through collections like this one, for example Natalie Goldberg. Then there are the authors like Pico Iyer, whose work I haven't read in years, but in this book, I got to encounter him again.

This is the fifth volume of this series I have added to my shelves here. I have enjoyed everyone of them and the ones I read before. I go back and dip into my collection whenever I have a few minutes to reread a poem or essay.

Besides the authors already mentioned, I was glad to encounter Joseph Bottum, David James Duncan and Hamza Yusef in this volume. If you are at all interested in good writing about religion, consider picking up one of this series.